Thursday, December 31, 2009

CAS Blog - December

December was only half a month of activities, it ended abruptly when winter break began. It was getting cold, too cold to do any physical outdoor activity and borderline freezing indoors during badminton club. Furthermore, the Gyms are air conditioned which lead to participants to wear thick clothing or shivering in the chilling breeze. This was what caused Badminton Club to become less effective as an excercise method. Those that were not as sensitive to the temperature also suffered as the game requires at least two players. if your opponent doesn't play as well as usual, it becomes easier to beat them and so you put less effort into it, less effort means less training. I attempted to fix this by wearing several extra layers but this made is harder to move as the sport requires high levels of agility, soon i began to sweat and began shedding the layers. Then it was too cold. It was hard to find the right balance between performance and health (the immune system weakens and the body becomes susceptible to disease if it's operating below optimal temperatures). The joy that I usually get from badminton is also disappearing into the weather and with it, all it's stress relieving properties. I relied on the action to vent my pressure that accumilated over the week from the strenuous IB program, the need for a vacation grew rapidly. Bandminton was also my method for staying fit, as it became less effective, i didn't really notice it (but the scales did!). I hope to return to playing badminton at the club after the winter break has ended, hopefully it isn't as cold then.